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Some of the data collected by this provider is for the purposes of personalization and measuring advertising effectiveness.
Some of the data collected by this provider is for the purposes of personalization and measuring advertising effectiveness.
We do not use cookies of this type.
We do not use cookies of this type.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small information files placed by the websites you visit, which are stored on the browser of the device you use to access the internet (for example, your computer or mobile phone). These files help the website remember information about your visit, easing your next visit by maintaining users' actions and preferences over a certain period.
There are various types of cookies. Cookies can be classified according to several criteria:
- Based on their lifespan, cookies can be distinguished between: (i) Session cookies – temporary cookies that are deleted from your cookies file when you close the browser or application used to access the website; or (ii) Persistent cookies – cookies that are not deleted upon closing the browser or application, remaining stored on your device. They are used whenever you visit the website again, allowing, for example, the customization of the browsing experience according to the user's interests, and providing a more individualized service.
- Based on their origin, cookies can be: (i) First-party cookies – sent to the user's device through equipment or domains managed by Avenue from which the requested service is provided; and (ii) Third-party cookies – sent to the user's device from equipment or domains managed by an external entity over which Avenue has no control.
- Based on their purpose, cookies can be: (i) Strictly necessary cookies, which are essential for the functioning of the website and/or to ensure the provision of functionalities requested by the user or to save their preferences; (ii) Personalization cookies, which are auxiliary (not necessary for the operation of the website but can enhance its performance) and are used to customize the user's browsing experience; (iii) Analytical cookies, which are auxiliary and collect statistical information to help analyze the use of the website and better understand user engagement with the website; or (iv) Advertising cookies, which are auxiliary and aim to make advertising more attractive to users and advertisers by selecting advertising based on what is relevant to the user.
Should I accept the use of cookies?
In the case of strictly necessary cookies, the website cannot function without them. As for other types of cookies, the choice is up to the user. According to current legislation, the rule is that placing cookies on websites is subject to the prior and express consent of the user, except when the placement of specific cookies is strictly necessary to provide the information society service that you have expressly requested. Avenue commits to using the cookies only for the purposes stated in this Cookie Policy.
How can I manage my cookie preferences?
Most browsers allow control over the cookies stored on your device, as well as their immediate deletion if you choose to stop allowing local storage of cookies. You can change your browser settings through the following links (non-exhaustive):
However, you should be aware that by disabling cookies through your browser settings, the website may not function properly, or you may lose access to certain functionalities of the website. This happens because the settings panel of most modern browsers does not offer a level of detail that allows users to reject all non-strictly necessary cookies to enable the use of the websites they visit.
Changes to the Cookie Policy
Avenue may at any time, without prior notice, and with immediate effect, change, add to, or partially or completely revoke this, Cookie Policy. Any changes will be immediately published on the website and whenever significant changes are made that affect the user in terms of cookies, you will again see a banner so that, depending on the type of cookie in question, you can access the information and/or, if applicable, consent to its use and storage.
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